Saturday, 19 September 2015

Do you care about how your house looks like and what impression does it leaves? Do you think house design is important or you don’t care and you’re just happy to have a roof over your head? If you’re trying to impress with your modern home and leave good impression, then this is for you! Take a look!

First thing noticed, when someone comes to your house, is entrance, right? Unless you have your folks coming in to you through the window, or chimney, like Santa. Just kidding, of course. Entrance is that first contact with your personal space, your style, and your personality. You want to make it right. That’s why people decorate their driveways, take care of their lawns, facades and, of course, entrances. Most of the houses today are still designed in traditional style but as time goes by, people tend to notice the beauty of modern design in architecture more and more.

Now, if you’re planning to take your home through the process of redesigning, rebuilding, or actually build your house from scratch, let me show you more than 40 modern entrances, designed to impress. Use them as an inspiration for your own home, personalize them with you own ideas, build them exactly like this or do anything you want. I picked them among thousands of entrances because they describe my personal taste the best. And now of course, I can’t decide which one of them would be my #1.

Help me out here. What do you think? Which one of those 40 modern entrances is the best and most impressive according to you?



  1. These are the best entrances and l hop these cld help to bring out the personal taste of the ones who chose them,

    1. You have great taste. Indeed they are beautiful entrances.


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