Design 2


Thursday, 17 March 2016

You’d be hard pressed to find an architect that didn’t begin exploring the realms of building design and construction with the help of those little plastic bricks in blue, red, yellow and white. However, there are only a handful of master builders who have turned their love of LEGO into a fully fledged career — and Adam Reed Tucker is one of them.   One of only 13 LEGO...

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Engineers shape the world that we all live in, but there are times when they made mistakes. Those mistakes sometimes can lead to disasters. In the following video you can see the 10 biggest architecture fails in the world. ...

Would YOU dare visit this restaurant? The eatery that hangs off the side of a cliff hundreds of feet up (and there's a glass floor to guarantee a stomach-churning experience) Those with a fear of heights might want to give this exclusive eatery a miss, because it juts right out hundreds of feet above a canyon - and there's a glass floor to make the experience...

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Architecture if an expression of values - Norman Foste...

Friday, 4 March 2016

 Skope Architects created the seat of the Brussels French Speaking Parliament and the former Postal Relay as a polyvalent project, located on Rue du Lombard in Bruxelles, Belgium.   Although it was so risky that the designers add a contemporary approach in this area full of historical buildings, their design was inspired by the history of the place while...

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

This is an amazing design. In the following video you can see how a simple container can transform into a house! The question is: Would you live in a house like this? ...

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

In the following video we can see a new way of building tunnels, using the so called 'zipper' truck. The lock blocks are secured by interlocking pegs, without any need for adhesive, similar to the way Lego pieces fit together. Watch the video for more details ...

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